February 15, 2014

The glories of Heaven

The Eternity of God--->
<---The mysteries of kingdom of Heaven

Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. Matthew (25:34)
.. I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly "(John 10:10).

These phrases so full of joy and happiness are very encouraging and every believer wants to hear from the lips of Jesus Christ the King of the universe, where all the saints and the righteous finally, and forever will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
A place that nobody knows how exactly, but Jesus gives us enormous hope when he says about Heaven, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor is it in the mind of man, what God has prepared for those who love him" (1 Cor 2: 9).

A place that nobody knows how exactly is, but Jesus gives us enormous hope when he says about Heaven, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor is it in the mind of man, what God has prepared for those who love him" (1 Cor 2: 9).

Attempt to describe the indescribable with words that can not nearly express the glory of Heaven. God has done all things well, where you look at everywhere, you see the perfect work of creation; mountains, flowers , birds , skies, clouds , sun, plants, landscapes , seas, rivers. So many wonders that exist in the universe and so many others we don´t even imagine. We admire and watch with open mouth a beatiful landscape, then, we expect that Heaven is something much better something not imagined, something that the human mind can not imagine . It will be a surprise for all those who love God, something neither the smartest nor the wisest can describe.

God has wanted it to be a pleasant surprise and huge what Heaven will be because he has not been revealed to anyone. The believer and faithful to God must have hope and believe in his word that you will be more beautiful, marvelous, more that admirable. No human words to define what Jesus told us about Heaven.


No need to be on the altar of a church to get into heaven, anyone who has the enormous grace to go to heaven after death, is already a saint. If there is blame to pay, must be purified from all sin, and that's why is the purgatory, purification is so perfect that makes everyone who leaves the place of atonement is holy forever in the glory of God.

The Saints also receive the blessings of Heaven from two different perspectives. First place will receive the freedom to live in Heaven. Second place will receive an accurate understanding of what is eternal bliss of the soul and its salvation from hell . This act will make the person (soul ) experiences a huge gratitude to God for having spared the eternal punishment of hell.
Those who go to heaven will not suffer the wrath of God (but does fall on those who go to hell). Are free "from the wrath to come " (I Thessalonians 1:10.

The soul will be greatly and eternally grateful to God with songs of thanksgiving and eternal praise to his Creator for having spared the eternal death of hell . The dwellers of Heaven will be free of sin, the cause of sin , and the consequences of sin.
Sin is the cause of all the world's misery. Sin is the reason why humans experience pain, sorrow, disease, hatred, jealousy, envy, disunity and even death.

Saint Paul is mourning sin and expressed in the strongest language his desire to be released from it:
Miserable me! Who will deliver me from this body of death "( Romans 7:24).
The true child of God fervently desires to live forever in a place away from sin: a place where he will never commit another sin, a place where will never have another sinful thought. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh . These are opposed to each other, to not do the things that ye would ( Galatians 5:17).

Heaven is the place where will not exist more neither death nor sin. This is beautifully depicted in Revelation 21:3-4; "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God himself will be with them as their God will wipe every tear from the eyes, and there will be no death, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things are passed away.

In heaven you will be free from the temptations of the devil. Here on earth, the enemy of souls assails men daily. Here "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil , as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour " (I Peter. 5: In the land of the devil tries to tempt the same way he tried to make Peter.

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone , where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever. (Revelation 20:10). "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet." (Romans 16:20).

In Heaven there will be no devil to tempt the saints with sin anymore. In Heaven, the saints will be free from the lusts of the world. These are described by John as " the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not from the Father but from the world. " (I John 2:16 ).

In heaven the saint will be free from the evil influence of the world, because they has defeated the world forever with the blood of Jesus Christ.
The eternal bliss of the soul in heaven, is as Paul said, "Now we see through a glass darkly" (I Corinthians 13:12). Indeed, the picturing we now trying to describe is dark compared to true glory of Heaven.

Who can imagine the things we now attempt to describe Heaven?

"We will never understand glory fully until we are in Heaven. Trying to say a few blurry and dark ideas, just a few strokes of the imperfect state of glory which the saints arrive after death."

The blessing of the soul in the glory consisting of at least three things:

1) See God such as he is.

2) The perfection of graces in the believer.

3) The fullness of eternal bliss.


"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8).

The saints in heaven will see God in all His majesty. They witness the infinite glory of the Almighty in such enormous magnitude as they are able to conceive. They will not be present only to the distance, but "face to face" (I Corinthians 13:12).

In this mainly involves the blessing of the saints in glory: to be in front to God. It is impossible for a finite human being can understand God. Revelation 22:5 describes some of the glory of seeing God:

There will be never more the darkness of night, there and they need no light of lamp or sunlight, for the Lord God gives them light;. Reign forever and ever".

The glory of God will dissipate sunlight as now the brilliance of the sun dispels the darkness of night.
The Father will not manifest directly in Heaven because we are we told in the Scriptures that God is invisible: "Therefore the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever ever. Amen. "(I Timothy 1:17).

It has been said of Christ, "He is the image of the invisible God" (Colossians 1:15). Father need not manifest itself in any other way than with the glory and majesty of the exalted Christ. The Lord said to his disciples on the night before his death: "He who has seen Me has seen the Father" (John 14:9).

Jonathan Edwards was a theologian, congregational pastor and missionary to Native Americans during the colonial era. It is known as one of the largest and deepest theologians in the history of the United States, and defined Christ this way: "God is glorified in the body of Christ is the most perfect way that may be to see God with bodily eyes, that one of the Persons of the Trinity has assumed a true body to be His body, and in which dwells forever like Himself, the divine majesty and excellence appear as much as possible to be expressed in outer shape or in figure.

They will see Him with their bodily eyes , in His glorified human nature, and this will be one of the most glorious visions . The love of Christ manifested well be one of the most delectable things for them because, although the bodies of the saints shine with extreme beauty and glory, yet undoubtedly the body of Christ infinitely surpass both as sunshine relative to the stars.

The glory of the body of Christ will be the masterpiece of God's hand in all of the material universe. In His glorious body His glorious spiritual perfections, His majesty, His holiness, His exultant mercy and love and gentleness will manifest. The eye never tire of contemplating this ineffable and glorious perfection."

Not only they will see Christ face to face, but they will walk and talk with Him. Christ treated them as brothers and speak to them as close friends . Just before his crucifixion, Jesus said to his disciples : " No longer do I call you servants , for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth : but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known "( John 15:15 ).

If Christ could say this to his disciples while they were still wrapped in their sinful nature, don´t you think that, He will admit them in Heaven when they have completely purged of all stain and iniquity and be present at his great throne with their clothes purified with His blood?

Certainly. The Scriptures speak of the life of God among His people in glorious terms: "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God himself will be with them as their God ... and see His face, and His name shall be in their foreheads "(Revelation 21:3, 22:4).


Secondly, those who are accepted in Heaven enjoy the perfection of all His graces.

It is analyzed three specific graces:

1st) The grace of knowledge.

2nd) The grace of holiness.

3rd) The grace of love.

First, the grace of knowledge will be perfected in glory. "For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, then that which is in part shall be done away now we see in a mirror dimly,.. But then face to face with the Creator now I know in part, but then I know even as also I am known. "(I Corinthians 13:9-10, 12).

Our knowledge of divine things is now sparse and vague. We do not perceive things clearly. We are slow in our understanding. We know then, as Christ knows us now. The grace of wisdom will be perfect in the saints in heaven. The saint will fully understand Christ as mediator between God and men.

They will understand the mystery of the Incarnation of Jesus, the man who becomes God . In such great magnitude as possible , the saints in glory will understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity. Understand the plan of salvation of souls and how they worked Divine Providence in all the circumstances of their lives.

There all the difficulties, trials , and dark providences of life will be considered as evidencing entities glorious that will give witness in truth that " those who love God all things work together for good " (Romans 8:2).

Understand the excellencies of Christ-Divinity degree as full as they are able . The knowledge of God will be quite full , with all its divinities , they will know God fully . Human beings here on earth can never fully comprehend the Divine Essence of God.
The grace of holiness will be perfect in all the glory they receive . "We know that when He (Jesus ) shall appear, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is" (I John 3:2). That´s to say, we will really know who Jesus Christ is, the Living God, with all its power and all its glory.

Holiness is the transcendent beauty of God and angels. Holiness is a primary attribute of God.

"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts ( Isaiah 6:03 ) is the cry of the seraphim who constantly attend in glory of heaven.
In heaven holiness will be perfect in the believer and sin will not exist anymore ...
Then the words of God will reach their full meaning: "Be holy, because I am holy. " (I Peter 1:16). Holiness is the fervent desire of the saint who travels through this world of sin . There, the Saints are as the angels of God. There, as much as possible , they shall become as Christ himself. They shall be holy for all eternity.

In Heaven the grace of God's love is perfect. In the land of God's love is expressed in low and intermittent form. Flesh of sin and selfishness of men obstruct the love of God. We can not love God as he is deserve or even as we would like.
Although the spirit of the son of God desires with all his inner strength to do what the Scripture says : " Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength" ( Deuteronomy 6 : 5) this can not be done perfectly here on earth.

But as He in his heart wishes to do so, God's desire of believer valid as if the action was done perfect form. In heaven, God's love will flow without interference as no one has ever experienced on earth. God will be totally and completely loved in their saints, they will love each others without any presence of expureos desires or selfishness.


Third, those who enter in Heaven will experience the fullness of joy. "Show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy, at thy right hand are pleasures forevermore" (Psalm 16:11).

The fullness of joy could be described as experiencing the immense love of God, generous as the waters of an ocean. Others, who have a much better understanding of this issue, which have been described in this way:
"His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into the joy of thy Lord" (Matthew 25:21.

The vision of God, of amorous God , and to be loved by God will cause an outpouring of joy in the spirit , and will create such holy ecstasy of joy in the elect, which is simply unspeakable and full of glory. He will be a loving father and his children will love him dearly.

They will see in him all what the love wants. The love desires the love of the beloved. The saints in glory shall see the transcendent love of God for them, . .God will do Ineffable manifestations of love for them. It will be an marvelous and unique spectacle of love of God toward all the elects in heaven.

"They will see so much love in God towards them, as they wish,or they may desire more ... when they see to God such glorious, and see at the same time how greatly God loves them, what a treat this will not cause the soul".

Love desires the union. So they will see this glorious God that joined them completly. They will see that He is their Father, and they are his children. They shall see God present with them gloriously ; God with them, and God in them and they in God.
Love desires the possession of its object. So they will see God, even as their own God, when they witness this transcendent glory of God, will see it as their own, will cling to God, and never, never want to be separated from Him.

"The one in glory of heaven shall enjoy God as their capacity allows.
The Psalmist wrote of the great blessing that involved the worship of God in his temple:
"Blessed are those who dwell in your house; will eternally praise you.
Because sun and shield is Jehovah God. Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.." (Psalm 84:4, 11).

Those in heaven will say: "that blessed are those who are in the presence of God himself!"

If the Lord God refuses nothing to those who turn to Him on earth, then will deny any glory of Heaven to His redeemed children?
Here on earth we enjoy God especially through his word, worship, and prayer. There we will enjoy Him "face to face." "Here you have God in expectation, but in Heaven you will have Him in possession."
There the saints in glory will be filled with joy with the eternal enjoyment of the manifestation of God in all His attributes.
There, will increase greatly the joy and exhilaration of the glorified when contemplating God's mercy shown towards them in salvation and how they deserved for their sins have been among the damned of hell, but were saved from the torments of hell only by Mercy sovereign of God who were granted in eternal salvation, and were accepted by them!.

The key of salvation is in accept the salvation that God offer us before we leave the body in this world, before dying.

The ministers of the Church will rejoice with those that led to the knowledge of Christ and the fruits of their work will be seen there completely. Paul writes of this infinite joy in I Thessalonians 2:19.

"For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing?

Are not even ye, before our Lord Jesus at his coming?"

Other things will undoubtedly contribute to the joy of heaven, as being with loved ones we had here on earth and the saints of all times, by contemplating the providences of God towards them in the land, being already in the divine city, but the greatest joy of all will be to be in front of Him, in front of his presence!!


All the inhabitants of Heaven, ie all the saints, are eternally happy, enjoy a joy and a peace not known on earth, the peace of Jesus Christ. All have their needs satisfied, there is any lack, and that makes them extremely happy. Everyone has what they deserve in fair measure and know by divine justice that does not deserve more and gladly accepts it.

All are very happy, but some enjoy of the Glories more than others. In Heaven there are different degrees of glory.
Those who worked more for the kingdom and glory of God here on earth receive greater honor and glory in Heaven.
The first evidence we have different degrees of glory comes from what is sometimes called the law of opposition.

Are there different degrees of torment in hell?

Yes it is so, then by the law of opposition, could logically deduce that there will be different degrees of glory in Heaven.
In Luke 12:47-48 we speak of those who "receive many lashes" and those who "receive only a few."
There are different degrees of punishment in hell, so we conclude that we also have varying degrees of sanctification in heaven. II Corinthians 5:10 and I Corinthians 3:8 gives us the basis for the difference:

"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done while in the body, ie in this world, whether good or bad."


According to our procedure in this world, every faithful follower of Jesus Christ receives the best gift of all, eternal life. The only question is whether there is an additional reward awaited by some of us. Those who say that God rewards each saved christian alike, sometimes indicate a specific parable of Jesus to support his argument: Matthew 20:1-15.

"For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.
And having agreed with the laborers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard.
And he went out about the third hour, and saw standing in the square to others who were out of work , and told them: "Go ye also into the vineyard, and I will give you whatever is right." And they were.

He went out again about the sixth hour and the ninth, and did the same.
And he went about the eleventh hour, he found others standing around, and said, "Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?" They said. " Because no one has hired us," he said, "Go ye also into the vineyard."

When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, "Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning from the last unto the first."
When those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius.
And when those came who were hired first, they thought they would receive more, and they likewise received every man a denarius. And on receiving it they grumbled against the landowner, saying:

"These last worked only one hour, but have made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the scorching heat of the day"
But he answering said to one of them, 'Friend, I do thee no wrong;
Did you not agree with me for a denarius "Take what is yours and go?;
but I want to give to this last the same as you.
Is it not right to do what I will with mine own? Or are you envious because I am generous?".

"Every man shall receive his own reward according to his work for the Kingdom of God." Obviously the rewards are promised to all believers and their different degrees of glory, wich will be the equivalent to the work done for God here on earth.

Peter asks Jesus, "Behold, we have left all and followed thee: what shall we receive" (Matthew 19:27).
Jesus assures Peter that the Jewish disciples will have authority in the kingdom but also tells Peter that many others who come to the truth after them, will also be in the kingdom.

Scripture speaks of those who receive " the reward of a prophet " (Matthew 10:41) which seems to distinguish as different from the ordinary reward. Christ taught his disciples that whoever gives them " a glass of water " in its name will not go unrewarded (Mark 9:41).
This would not be possible if there was no recognition of good works in heaven.

In another section of Scripture is recognized quite clearly that there will be differences among believers in glory. Says the prophet Daniel that " shall shine as the brightness of the firmament . , And they that turn many to righteousness will be like the stars forever and ever " (Daniel 12:3).

And Saint Paul compares the difference between the sun, moon , and stars and applied to believers in the glory of heaven:
"There is one glory of the sun , and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differs from another star in glory. So also will be the resurrection of the dead. " (I Corinthians 15:41-42 ).

Paul is simply saying that while a star shines more brightly than other in the sky thus, a holy shall shine with a glory more divine than another when the dead arise to receive payment for the deeds done in this life.

One will be more glorious and will enjoy more of that glory over another based on how he lived, what he has done for the Kingdom of Christ, who has done in assistence of our brothers in need while living on earth.

This is taught of diaphanous form in parable of the talents, where a man had authority over ten cities and other on five ( Luke 19:12-19 ).

"The saints are like many containers of different sizes thrown into the sea of ​​happiness where each container is filled: this is eternal life, where a man has his full capacity. But after all containers are admitted to the sovereign kingdom of God , God applies his prerogative to determine the size of the container."

Each person will be filled according to their capacity of holiness and joy. No one will lack anything. But some will have a greater capacity for joy than others. Some theologians explain the glory as follows;

"despite of having degrees of glory, however, this does not imply that has defect or desire (lack ) of glory in Heaven to any glorified persons, simply each person will be just as full of glory as he is able to receive."

This is explained in a clearer demonstration. Take a small bowl and a large container and throw them at sea, both bowls will be full, yet there is no so much capacity in the small bowl as in big one, but both are full.

So says the saint is like two containers, however, as if they were one, because of the enjoyment of God, but one is more spacious to take more than God than the other, but still, the less holy will be full of glory of God;
He who has less glory, will have enough glory, though not equal glory than any another glorified saint. So those degrees of glory pose no defect in those people who have less glory of those than have more.

All containers are full, but of different sizes. All glories will wear crowns, some with greater luster than others. The holiness and happiness will be greater in some than others throughout eternity.


The presence of different degrees of glory in heaven can come to the thought that there could be some envy in Heaven for the degrees of glory that many of our brothers will enjoy eternally. Here on earth this is possible because of our imperfect humanity and by existing sin among us, more in Heaven that is impossible.

All love will be perfect in heaven, the degrees of happiness you will experience every being is according to what is fair measure deserves it and knows by justice he does not deserve more.
It stands to reason that if a person here on earth, suffered persecution in their body or in spirit, struggled to keep his body and soul in a state of purity, by rejecting all impure sexual act or not allowed, within marriage or gave his life for the needy, sick, lonely, leaving everything and going to foreign lands, it is right that such person receives in Heaven degrees extraordinaries of happiness because of his devotion for God's sake.

God greatly compensates for the sacrifice and the dedication in favor to the others. Consider the delivery of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta and her extraordinary work on behalf of the poor.
And it will be like the Apostle Paul wrote. "So if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it is, and if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it" (I Corinthians 12:26).

The saints in glory will think it is right that those who stood out among others in works of justice, gave their lives by love thy neighbor and sought the glory of God on earth should receive greater glory in heaven. Men will bless God by irradiating of his glory shining through other men, because envy and sin will have no place in the Kingdom of God.

To all believers in Christ, your eternal state in heaven is the result of what you do here on earth."But this I say:
He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly. And he who sows bountifully will also collect" (II Corinthians 9:6).

Are you looking for an eternity with the greatest degree of happiness possible?

So, live your life from now on completely oriented to the greater glory of God. Tomorrow may be too late. Your present life determine your future to the glory of heaven. To guide those who seek a better future life is imperative to start with a spiritual life oriented towards good of others.

We must be steadfast in prayer, without prayer there is no holiness!.

He who begin a good work without prayer soon will tire and abandon all, will find confusion, contradictions, and immediately will leave everything unfinished.

He who clinging to prayer constantly, daily, never is confused, never gets lost, never leaves the work begun, indeed, finds solution to all problems and strength necessary in prayer. Through constant prayer get wisdom and understanding of God. Daily prayer is a communication with the Eternal Father and His Son Jesus, and never we will be confused, will understand what God wants from us and will obtain humility, quite important for sainthood.

The Saints got these qualities to go to Heaven; prayer, wisdom, understanding and humility much humility.
So, ask God in daily and constant prayer; wisdom, understanding and humility.


Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Anyone wishing to obtain mercy in heaven should practice it in this world. And for this, as we all want mercy, we must act so that it becomes our advocate in this world, to get us free in the future. There is a mercy in heaven, which is reached through the earthly mercy. It says, in effect, Scripture:
Lord, thy mercy reach heaven.

We have knowing that we have to account for all our good and bad deeds, words, thoughts, gestures or intentions, indeed, all good things have a reward. A religious sister was surprised to discover (when went heaven ) that every smile, every kind reply, every prayer for someone in need, every good deed toward our brethren, is recorded in Heaven and receives an award!.

"He will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of these, you did for me " (Mt. 25:45 ) . God has given us different ministries each. Some are privileged to devote our time to the ministry of the Word of God and prayer (Acts 6:4 ) . We can think of that a priest in front of his faithfuls has greater advantage to go to Heaven, but that's not true . Those who has received more, more will have to account.

It is not good that we compare with each other, because always end up thinking that we are superior to others or inferior to them. On earth, we received praise very differently to as it is in heaven.
The heaven gives value to rewards according to the type of person we are . It comes down to our daily lives.
In Proverbs 16:32 we find: "Better is he that is slow to anger than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city."

In other words, if we control our spirit, we are better than those who have conquered a city, or who have achieved great things. We may prophesy "vehemently" but the apostle Paul said that if we do not have love, is useless (1 Cor 13:2). The words of our mouth and our attitudes are much more important in the sky that the way we preach or teach. God measures us based on our attitude toward others and our relationships with others.

Practise ye, therefore mercy in this world, and will receive the heavenly mercy.
The poor ask for, and you ask for God, poor one bite, you the eternal life.
Give to the poor, and will deserve receive to Christ, because he said: Give, and it shall be given. I do not understand how dare you expect to receive, if you refuse to give. So, when you go in to the church, give alms to the poor all you can, according to your possibilities. (St. Cesareo Arles).


Being kind perfects the spirit of a person, because you know give and give others without fear of being defrauded by others, giving support and encouragement to all around him. Often the concept of kindness is mistaken for weakness, no one likes to be the "long-suffering" in their work, of whom everybody take advantage of him.
But goodness is exactly the opposite, it is the strength that has to control his character, his passions and his outbursts, to become them in meekness.

It involves an inclination to do good, with a deep understanding of people and their needs, always patient and balanced mood. This value develops in each person the willingness to please to everybody, in fair measure, to all people at all times. Now we can ask:
When do we move away from a kindly attitude?

This is seen in those aggressive attitudes, when we adopt bad manners or ways of talking something arrogant, using words grandiloquent, with reason on our side or not. Also when we adopt an indifferent attitude towards the concerns or concerns with others, deeming them unimportant or as a result of the lack of understanding and ability to solve problems.

Never be considered superior!

In doing so, we become unable to really listen with interest and treat with kindness to all who come to us searching a advice or a solution.

We must understand that goodness does not has measure, is disinterested, so never expect a remuneration . Our actions must be accompanied by a genuine desire to serve, avoiding doing things to look good ... for who is speak well of us. But being kind no means being soft, condescending or indifferent to the injustices those around us. By contrast, the kind is a person who is still vigorous and demanding without leaving of being sympathetic and friendly. Similarly, never responds with insults and contempt for those that mistreat him, thanks the domain he has about his person, try to behave politely despite the adverse and hostile environment.

Goodness perfects the person who takes it as an important value in his life, because their words are full of encouragement and enthusiasm, facilitating friendly and easy communication; given without fear of being cheated, and above all, have the ability to understand helping others and forgetting himself.

The 5 principles of Kindness;

1 - Sow seeds of kindness.

Every time you smile, listens attentively to a friend, give thanks or treat a stranger with courtesy and respect, you are emitting positive energy. This energy causes an impression on the other person who, in turn, will pass to the dozens of people that are in your way. Thus, these positive gestures will have a multiplier effect, ultimately will return to you increased. Remember that it all comes back, the good and the bad.

2nd - Cooperates with everyone equally.

We are all smart enough to be nice to the important people around us every day of our lives, as neighbors, our bosses and even coworkers. However, we do not always care about a stranger to whom we will not see again. Change your posture and begins to treat all people with whom you're going to find as if they were the most important of the world, indeed they are. If not it is for us, yes for someone, and if they are not for today, they may be for tomorrow.

3rd - Having a clear conscience.

Although you are not going to see again the person you have mistreated or noone else has known of your attitudes or your bad behavior, you 're aware that acted badly. Therefore, this bad feeling will be in your mind and in your heart every time you try to convince someone that they can trust you. As you 're betraying yourself, it will be hard you can believe in a person or in a relationship. Remember that consciousness never sleeps, never is silenced, and will haunt you wherever you go.

4rd - Find convince rather than overcome.

Change your inside and tell others what you like instead of what you don´t like.
Do the exercise to redirect conversations to your terrain, for example, instead of saying authoritatively "closes the window", you can replace it with "do you mind if I close the window, or, does not make a bit cold ? ". This way, formulates a question that people can reply, besides converting the fact of closing the window on a shared idea, too, by the other party. This is one of the best ways to get that your own ideas are accepted. Remember that in good friendship, we give glory to God.

5th - Listen to your inner voice.

When you enter into a relationship with someone, an inner voice tells us "he is a good person" or " do not trust her."

How can we make such judgments instantly?

Because we are able to detect nonverbal cues. Pay attention to body language : arms and legs uncrossed, inclination of head to show the interest of what you are telling, and open palms to indicate frankness and receptivity.

Show that you go through life in peace is the best way to plant yourself in front of others from a caring and gentle side. Goodness, will be then a reality contagious, productive and generative of good feelings.

In a hostile world, it's hard to be kind, but is not impossible. Pray a lot for all your achievements, do it with humility and soon you will notice the changes in you.

God rewards in Heaven with glories very important those who have practiced kindness with their brethren here on earth.

Remember that God is Kindly by excellence and infinitely fair to reward you.


The winners are those who have overcome the world, the flesh and the devil.
The term "winner" means that has won a battle. We must overcome in the following areas to emerge triumphant:

The world:

We must overcome the world and its attractions, including the vainglory of life, the acceptance of the people of this world and its temporal rewards. The desire for things and positions in this world is very strong, so even Demas, who was and walked with Paul and changed the promise of eternal life for these things (2 Tim 4:10).

We should not despise the world, which is the work of the generous hand of God, but we must be careful not to drag us astray.

The desires of the flesh:

The flesh includes worldly desires, such as sexual lust, the sexual scandal, the orgies, the wordly desires, promiscuity, base instincts and every kind of sexual immorality.
Within marriage spouses should respect each other, be faithfuls, without deception or lies. Adultery leads to ruin many matrimonies and it occurs in children a lack of love towards his parents, where respect and trust are annihilated. The bad example they shown, it will be reflected in children in future. Spouses will have give an account for such actions. Also includes overeating, and take all the pleasures without measure.

The Devil:

The devil has many followers who practice witchcraft, fortune-telling, horoscopes, divination hands, Egyptian cards, tarot, work with black magic, occultism, spiritualism, the game of the cup, the Ouija, and all who sympathize with the devil are his followers and adepts.

All these wishes should be extinguished in order to become a true spiritual victor.
Other Bible verses that deal with other ways to have a victorious life, found in Romans 5:17, Romans 12:21 and 1 John 2:14.

In Heaven there are awards and high positions of special and extraordinary glory reserved for all these winners.
Consider some examples of Revelation, chapters 2 and 3. The winners of the flesh and the devil are at extraordinary high positions, above many in Heaven, with each battle won the devil and the desires of the flesh have glorified God in their bodies and in their attitudes, and as is it fair, God will give them the deserved award.


The gift of humility saves us from being sucked into a life of self-destruction and evil, and will help us to be more sincere and lasting friendships and deeper and meaningful relationships.
It is extremely important to learn to be humble because we are social beings who need other people´s help in our lives to talking, loving, fun healthily, living and learning about human relationships.
Nobody can be happy if being isolated from others but if we lack humility, we could never relate well with our neighbors and at the end we would be isolated, embittered and unhappy.

Humility is the foundation of healthy human relationships because it keeps everyone in an honest, respectful and peaceful relationship. When someone discover humility, discovers who he is and what the meaning of his life. Will experience joy and will be satisfied with what life gives you without think that deserves more than their peers.

A true Christian will seek to be humble and with God's help, will recognize that God created us all equal, of the same substance of the earth, and gave His life for each of us equally.

Humility comes only with constant prayer. It is a gift that God rewards those who strive daily in this spiritual act. Any prayer is valid for humility, if done with heart and soul.

Remember that the devil will try by all means to stay away from prayer.
He knows how important it is praying, and for this reason will not rest until I see you away from meditation and prayer.
The devil will confuse you and make you doubt its effectiveness and its spiritual value.
The more you praying, the more will be irritated the devil, and the more will pursue you. The persecution will be according to the degree to which you praying.
God will not allow more persecution than you can bear.

Why does God allow that the devil pursue me?

God allows him to some extent, to strengthen your spirit and ends up winning him. Remember that God takes advantage of the devil and use him for your own spiritual good. God always, always ends up winning, and the devil knows this, hence his anger is even greater. Your reward will be extraordinary in Heaven, if you defeat to the devil, and will be for all eternity!.

The praying of the Holy Rosary daily is an important means to get humility and defeat to the devil, our Blessed Mother crushed the head of the serpent, the devil, and fill us with spiritual gifts, including humility and love for prayer.

The Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, and Litany of the Holy Rosary are full of indulgences and spiritual gifts to reach humility and love for God and the Blessed Virgin.

Remember that Mary promised that the devotees of the Rosary shall enjoy a very special glory in Heaven, the same glory of the saints and martyrs alive.

Remember also that Jesus Christ promised that the devotees Stations of the Cross, get in Heaven a blessing and a extraordinary glory that will accompany throughout eternity.


Here's a summary of what the Catholic Church teaches about the heavenly bliss that will receive the inhabitants of heaven:
All who die in God's grace (state of Grace), after purification in purgatory (remember that all will have to go through purgatory some for a short time, others for a longer time, even those who live in holiness are offered to go the purgatory to comfort all those who suffer most) will have the true joy of living with Christ forever.

They see God such as He is, face to face. Is communion of life and love with the Trinity, the Virgin Mary, the angels and all the heavenly blessed. This is the ultimate object of the deepest human desires and the state of supreme bliss. In heaven, men live with and in Christ, keeping his true identity.

By his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ opened heaven to all who choose to accept it, recognize him as the Son of God and only Savior of mankind. Good people to fully benefit of Christ's redemption. Those who have believed in him and remained faithful become sharers in his glory. The heaven is a community of all who have lived in Christ.


God is the main object of the human being and will in Heaven. Once there, the inhabitants of Heaven receive the "beatific vision," the ability to see God in all its glory and magnificence. The secondary object of the beatific vision is the knowledge and love of persons whom Christians have known on earth.

Theologians teach that the Church is not a bodily activity, the beatific vision does not require the senses and imagination. The beatific vision and love are the activities of the spiritual faculties of every human being.

Man need a greater dignity and strengthening their spiritual faculties, superiors to the virtues of hope and faith, for enjoy the beatific vision. Lumen gloriae, the light of glory, is the name given to permanent ennoblement of the intellect by which humans can join the Trinity in the beatific vision.


Theologians speak of Heaven as a state of happiness. They explain that we exist to glorify God and to find our happiness, but we find our happiness only giving glory to God. In Heaven, the members of the Mystical Body of Christ, glorify God for his participation in the glory of Christ - it is only in Christ that they can do it. Christ is the Temple where God-Father is perfectly united, and the Heaven is his sanctuary.

Because Christ and Virgin Mary are glorified in body, and that a body requires a place to live, the tradition of the Church follows Scripture in which teaching that Heaven is a place. How the Heaven works?. It is a mystery.
It is far beyond what the human being can understand, so that the scriptures describes it in images that humans being can relate them: life, light, peace, wedding feast, wine of the kingdom, Father's house, the heavenly Jerusalem, paradise, power, glory, eternal happiness, etc.

However, all this will exist in the fullest sense only after the Parousia, ie, when all who are saved, will recover their original bodies , the same we had here on earth, but completely glorified.

The essential element in the state of celestial glory is union with the Holy Trinity in the mind and heart, leading to the beatific joy. Those who die in grace of God, possess essential glory , as soon as it has completed its purification. However, the fullness of glory will come to them when they get back their glorified bodies after the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Theology teaches that God has intended the human being for eternal bliss. This is his last end, gain happiness.
Therefore, Heaven has to bring man to a state of perfect happiness. The concern here is not the physical satisfaction, true happiness is associated with the fulfillment of the noble aspirations of the soul.

Since forever has been intended for supernatural union with God , the human being does not have other the destination than no be the supernatural.
Thus, their ultimate happiness is union with God. God is the primary object of the beatific vision. Only God is able to meet the human and angelic intellect made ​​for possession of the truth. Only God can satisfy the desires of the human´s heart or angelic will. Without God do not exist happiness. Without God the existence it is a chaos , a state of agony, of pain and suffering permanent. That is the state of the inhabitants of hell.

The infinite perfection of the Holy Trinity and the infinite love of God provide all the inhabitants of Heaven a satisfaction that never ends . This happiness is not at all bored because is not mixed with material pleasure, which , by their nature, can not last. The happiness of heaven is permanent and infinite, it can´t have a anxiety that will decrease or disappear.


This varies from one person to another, corresponding to the state of the union of the individual with God at the moment of death. It is very important, if you are in agony or sick, ask for a priest to administer the holy oil, it is very important that the person that receive it be consents, that know what will receive.

The martyrs, virgins, chaste, lay people committed to God and faith teachers receive a special mark, a halo denoting their commitment to Christ and his work during his life here on earth.

All the saved enjoys the company of the elect - that is, each one of the blessed are delighted in others, including the Virgin Mary, the angels and the saints.
As they lived on earth, they will obtain affinities with some of the blessed, there will always full agreement of the spirit among all.

Then will come the Resurrection, or restoration of the body. The blessed in heaven have the same bodies they had on earth, however, these bodies will have special features, including the following;

Splendor: the bodies will have a supernatural glow and will make them beautiful to look at.

Agility: it will allow that the glorified bodies move through space in an instant, with incredible mobility.

Subtlety: The complete subordination of the body to the soul, so both they will be perfectly integrated.

Impassivity: The glorified bodies no longer suffering any more, and does not need to eat or sleep to kept it, since suffers no wear.

The renewal of the world along with the restoration of the body, are complete with salvation within of the plan of God. The renewed universe is the ultimate glorification of Christ and contributes to the eternal happiness of the blessed in Heaven.

Some parts have been taken from William C. Nichols. Revised and corrected.

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