<---Dicember the Christmass month

No one can escape that reality. Our bodies are not made to last, no matter how healthy we live, our organs are not made to last forever, they are organic and organic matter breaks down over time.
It happens. We die. People have spent forever trying to find immortality and long-life, but you know, I do not think that I would want to live forever.
Part of the human condition is death. In a world without death there would not be much of a reason for procreation, there would not be much meaning to communication, music, art, poetry, and all culture as a whole. That would be a boring world.
Even if we lived forever, I would imagine that we would be so tired of it after awhile and want to die anyway.
The concept of death as a sentient entity has existed in many societies since the beginning of history.
In English, Death is often given the name Grim Reaper and, from the 15th century onwards, came to be shown as a skeletal figure carrying a large scythe and clothed in a black cloak with a hood. It is also given the name of the Angel of Death or Devil of Death or the angel of dark and light (Malach HaMavet) stemming from the Bible.
The Bible itself does not refer to "The Angel of Death;" there is, however, a reference to "Abaddon" (The Destroyer), an Angel whose true identity is a mystery, as is the identity of "The Angel of the Abyss".
In some cases, the Grim Reaper is able to actually cause the victim's death, leading to tales that he can be bribed, tricked, or outwitted in order to retain one's life, such as in the case of Sisyphus.
Other beliefs hold that the Spectre of Death is only a psychopomp, serving to sever the last ties between the soul and the body and to guide the deceased to the next world without having any control over the fact of the victim's death.
In many languages (including English), Death is personified in male form, while in others, it is perceived as a female character (for instance, in Slavic and Romance languages).
Death is the permanent termination of the biological functions that sustain a living organism. Phenomena which commonly bring about death include old age, predation, malnutrition, disease, and accidents or trauma resulting in terminal injury. The nature of death has been for millennia a central concern of the world's religious traditions and of philosophical enquiry, and belief in some kind of afterlife or rebirth has been a central aspect of religious faith.
The word death comes from Old English deað, which in turn comes from Proto-Germanic dauþaz (reconstructed by etymological analysis). This comes from the Proto-Indo-European stem dheu- meaning the 'Process, act, condition of dying'.
The concept and symptoms of death, and varying degrees of delicacy used in discussion in public forums, have generated numerous scientific, legal, and socially acceptable terms or euphemisms for death.
When a person has died, it is also said he has passed away, passed on, or expired, among numerous other socially accepted, religiously-specific, slang, and irreverent terms.
Bereft of life, the dead person is then a corpse, cadaver, a body, a set of remains, and finally a skeleton. The terms carrion and carcass can also be used, though these more often connote the remains of non-human animals.
As a polite reference to a dead person, it has become common practice to use the participle form of "decease", as in the deceased; the noun form is decedent. The ashes left after a cremation are sometimes referred to by the neologism cremains, a portmanteau of "cremation" and "remains".
Unnatural causes of death include suicide and homicide. From all causes, roughly 151,200 people die around the world each day.
Physiological death is now seen as a process, more than an event: conditions once considered indicative of death are now reversible.
Where in the process a dividing line is drawn between life and death depends on factors beyond the presence or absence of vital signs.
In general, clinical death is neither necessary nor sufficient for a determination of legal death. A patient with working heart and lungs determined to be brain dead can be pronounced legally dead without clinical death occurring.
Paradoxically, as scientific knowledge and medicine advance, a precise medical definition of death becomes more problematic.
As a point in time, death would seem to refer to the moment at which life ends. However, determining when death has occurred requires drawing precise conceptual boundaries between life and death.
This is problematic because there is little consensus over how to define life.
It is possible to define life in terms of consciousness.
When consciousness ceases, a living organism can be said to have died.
One of the notable flaws in this approach, however, is that there are many organisms which are alive but probably not conscious (for example, single-celled organisms).
This general problem of defining death applies to the particular challenge of defining death in the context of medicine.
Other definitions for death focus on the character of cessation of something.
In this context "death" describes merely the state where something has ceased, for example, life. Thus, the definition of "life" simultaneously defines death.
Historically, attempts to define the exact moment of a human's death have been problematic.
In certain cultures, death is more of a process than a single event. It implies a slow shift from one spiritual state to another.
Obviously, no one really knows for certain how many people are going to Heaven and Hell.
We can, however, come up with a ballpark estimate. There are many comprehensive studies that break the world's population down by religion.
If you compare these belief systems with the Bible, you'll have a basic idea as to how many people believe in the Biblical plan of salvation.
Based on these studies, it has been estimated that only 7% of the world's population is going to Heaven (1.68 per second). Even if this research is wrong and 75% of the world is going to Heaven.
151,200 persons died everyday, I wonder how many of them went to heaven, and I wonder how many of them went to hell. Only God knows.
I realize that some of you are thinking that it is morbid and inappropriate to talk about this. You're thinking that talking about this topic in public shows a lack of sensitivity. Yes, in a sense I guess it does appear morbid. It is, however, necessary. It serves a very important purpose.
The Cancer Society tells us that over 160,000 Americans will die this year from lung cancer and 40,000 will die from breast cancer. We are also told that almost 3 million people worldwide will die from differents illness this year.
Are these pronouncements morbid or inappropriate? No, of course not.
They serve a valid purpose. They inform us of a serious problem that needs to be addressed.
It tells us that millions of people are dying needlessly. These pronouncements are intended to bring a serious problem to our attention. They are intended to challenge us to action.
Likewise, this letter tells us about a serious problem; a problem that many of us would like to forget. People are needlessly dying and some going to Hell.
Although curing people of diseases is important, isn't being concerned about a person's eternal destiny even more important?
Yes, this counter may make us feel uncomfortable, but hopefully it will challenge us into action."
I beleive that people that really seeks God will find him.. And those that don't won't...
Jesus is the truth,do I think that a muslim will go to hell because he didn't beleive in Jesus, I'm sure God love us more than we know, Seeks God and Go to Heaven and you'll know how much God loves you.
God said to Adam about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the day you eat of it you will surely die, in the Hebrew it is "dying you will die." By chapter 5 of Genesis everyone is dying.
Only Enoch and Elijah in the entire human history do not die. Romans 6:23 tells us the wages of sin is death. So we are all on death row, awaiting execution for our rebellion against a Holy God. Because we all sin, we all die!
Even Jesus Christ died because of sin but He was the Son of God and sinless, He died for our sins.
See God in His righteousness must punish sin. Yet, in His love He sent His Son to die for our sins. If we trust in Christ we are saved from the second death, eternity in Hell's fires and gain eternal life!
See here we have a mixture - pain / pleasure; joy / sorrow, etc... In the next life / eternity we have pain or pleasure; joy or sorrow --- there will be no more mixture.
“He suffered and was buried. And He rose again...” After the Cross, after the descent into death there is the Resurrection from the dead — that principal, fundamental and decisive confirmation of the Symbol of Faith, a confirmation from the very heart of Christianity. Indeed “if Christ is not risen, then your faith is in vain.”
These are the words of the Apostle Paul, and they remain fundamental for Christianity to this day. Christianity is a belief, first of all and above all, in the fact that Christ did not remain in the grave, that life shone forth from death, and that in Christ’s Resurrection from the dead, the absolute, all-encompassing law of dying and death, which tolerated no exceptions, was somehow blown apart and overcome from within.
The Resurrection of Christ comprises, I repeat, the very heart of the Christian faith and Christian Good News. And yet, however strange it may sound, in the everyday life of Christianity and Christians in our time there is little room for this faith.
Here, I would once more like to repeat and emphasize that God did not create the world for this separation, dying, ruin and corruption.
And for this reason the Christian Gospel proclaims that “the last enemy to be destroyed is death.” The Resurrection is the recreation of the world in its original beauty and totality.
It is the complete spiritualization of matter and the complete incarnation of the spirit in God’s creation. The world has been given to man as his life, and for this reason, according to our Christian Orthodox teaching, God will not annihilate it but will transfigure it into “a new heaven and a new earth,” into man’s spiritual body, into the temple of God’s presence and God’s glory in creation.
“The last enemy to be destroyed is death…” And that destruction, that extermination of death began when the Son of God Himself in His immortal love for us voluntarily descended into death and its darkness, filling its despair and horror with His light and love.
And this is why we sing on Pascha not only “Christ is risen from the dead,” but also “trampling down death by death…”
Christ does not promise us Nirvana or some sort of misty life beyond the grave, but the resurrection of life, a new heaven and a new earth, the joy of the universal resurrection. “The dead shall arise, and those in the tombs will sing for joy…” Christ in risen, and life abides, life lives…
That is the meaning; that is the unending joy of this truly central and fundamental confirmation of the Symbol of Faith: “And the third day, He rose again according to the Scriptures.”
According to the Scriptures, i.e. in accordance with that knowledge of life, with that design for the world and humanity, for the soul and body, for the spirit and matter, for life and death, which has been revealed to us in the Holy Scriptures. This is the entire faith, the entire love, and the entire hope of Christianity. And this is why the Apostle Paul says, “If Christ is not risen, then your faith is in vain.”
According to the Midrash, the Angel of Death was created by God on the first day. His dwelling is in heaven, whence he reaches earth in eight flights, whereas Pestilence reaches it in one.
He has twelve wings. "Over all people have I surrendered thee the power," said God to the Angel of Death, "only not over this one which has received freedom from death through the Law."
It is said of the Angel of Death that he is full of eyes. In the hour of death, he stands at the head of the departing one with a drawn sword, to which clings a drop of gall, another word for bile.
As soon as the dying man sees Death, he is seized with a convulsion and opens his mouth, whereupon Death throws the drop into it. This drop causes his death; he turns putrid, and his face becomes yellow. The expression "to taste of death" originated in the idea that death was caused by a drop of gall.
Death is, either as a metaphor, a personification or an actual being, referenced occasionally in the New Testament, although it can be debated whether these texts are discussing death as a being or as a concept. If the former, one such personification is found in Acts 2:24 – "But God raised Him [Jesus] from the dead, freeing Him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for Death to keep its hold on Him."
Later passages, however, are much more explicit. Romans 5 speaks of Death as having "reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses," and various passages in the Epistles speak of Christ's work on the cross and His resurrection as a confrontation with Death.
Such verses include Rom. 6:9 and 2 Tim. 1:10. Death is still viewed as enduring in Scripture. 1 Cor. 15:26 asserts, "The last enemy to be destroyed is Death," which implies that Death has not been destroyed once and for all. This assertion later proves true in the Book of Revelation.
In Roman Catholicism, the archangel Michael is viewed as the good Angel of Death (as opposed to Samael, the controversial Angel of Death), carrying the souls of the deceased to Heaven.
There, he balances them in his scales (one of his symbols). He is said to give the dying souls the chance to redeem themselves before passing as well.
A few people in Mexico, belief regards the Angel of Death as a saint, known as Santa Muerte, but this local cultus is not acknowledged by the Catholic Church. In the Bible, the fourth horseman of Book of Revelation is called Death and is pictured with Hades following him.
If you were to ask, "How many people die on an average day," you would get a wide variety of answers.
Yesterday I was watching tv and was thinking to myself – how many people die in a single day?
Typical answers would range around 3000 to 5,000 people.
Surprisingly, over 151,200 people die every day. On average, 1.8 people die every second.
According to the bureau, World Vital Events Per Time Unit for 2010 are:
Time unit Births Deaths Natural Increase
Year 133,398,951 55,503,922 77,895,029
Month 11,116,579 4,625,327 6,491,252
Day 364,478 151,650 212,828
Hour 15,187 6,319 8,868
Minute 253 105 148
Second 4.2 1.8 2.5
These figures are astounding. Every day approximately 151,650 people die in the world.
That just boggles my mind in the amount of sadness and pain there are every single day.
On the other hand, 212,828 babies are born each day.
That means more people are happy than sad.
About 35,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations.
This is one person every three and a half seconds, as you can see on this display. Unfortunately, it is children who die most often.
Yet there is plenty of food in the world for everyone. The problem is that hungry people are trapped in severe poverty. They lack the money to buy enough food to nourish themselves.
Being constantly malnourished, they become weaker and often sick. This makes them increasingly less able to work, which then makes them even poorer and hungrier. This downward spiral often continues until death for them and their families.
There are effective programs to break this spiral. For adults, there are “food for work” programs where the adults are paid with food to build schools, dig wells, make roads, and so on.
This both nourishes them and builds infrastructure to end the poverty. For children, there are “food for education” programs where the children are provided with food when they attend school. Their education will help them to escape from hunger and global poverty.
Hunger and World Poverty Sources: United Nations World Food Program (WFP), Oxfam, UNICEF.