<---October Month of the Rosary
The Lord Jesus have dedicated fourteen revelations or promises of this Rosary or Chaplet of the Divina Mercy to Sister Faustina Kowalska which are full of graces, and much consolation for all souls. They are as follows.
1° "By the prayer of this Rosary, I am pleased to grant any request.
Whoever pray it, will reach great Mercy at the hour of death.
Even the most a hardened sinner, if it prays this Rosary, even a single time, will obtain the grace of my infinite Mercy ".
2° "When sinners pray this Rosary, I will fill their souls with peace, and will be happy the hour of its death. They will not be fearful. My Mercy will protect them in this last fight ".
3° "I will defend like My glory each soul that prays this rosary at the hour of death, or when others say it next to the dying one, it will obtain the same pardon."
4° "When this rosary is said near a dying one, the divine wrath is appeased and the unfathomable mercy surrounds the soul and the entrails of My mercy are moved by the painful Passion of My Son".
5° "When they recite this Rosary next to the dying, I will be between the Father and the dying soul, not like right Judge, but like a Merciful Redeemer."
6° "To the souls that recite this chaplet, My mercy will especially surround them in life and at the time of death".
7° "My Daughter mine, encourage souls to recite the chaplet that I have given you. To those who recite this chaplet, I am pleased in giving them what they request from Me."
8° "When the hardened sinners, pray it, I will overwhelm their souls with peace and the hour of death will be happy".
9° "Priests can offer this Rosary to the sinners, as the last resort of salvation".
10° "Oh, what enormous of graces I will spill on the souls that recite this Chaplet. The entrails of my Mercy are mellowed when they recite the Chaplet.
11° "Write these words down, my daughter mine, speaks to the world of My mercy so that all mankind knows of My infinite mercy."
12° "It is a sign of the last times, the day of justice will come afterwards. There is still time for them to resort to Source of My Mercy, let them benefit from the Blood and Water that flowed for them".
13° "My daughter mine praying the Chaplet serves to appease the wrath of My Father. Fair retribution for sinner humanity."
14° "Through the chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you request is in agreement with My will."
Two cases appear in the Diary of St. Faustina that have to do with storms, and in both cases she uses the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy like a powerful whip.
Today a great storm woke me up, the wind was blowing and it was raining as if there was a hurricane, as well as a severe thunder storm.
I started praying so that the storm would not cause any damage; suddenly, I heard these words:
Pray the chaplet that I have taught to you and the storm will stop.
Immediately I began to say the chaplet and I had not even finished it when the storm stopped and I heard these words:
Through the chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you request is in agreement with My will."
"Once when a great storm was approaching, I started to pray the chaplet.
I heard the voice of an angel suddenly:
I cannot approach with the storm, because the glare from its mouth rejects me and the storm. The angel was complaining to God. I soon learned how much devastation that storm would have brought, but knew that the prayer was pleasing to God, and how powerful the chaplet is.”
On May 22, the following incident happened and Sister Faustina wrote it down to show the power that Jesus attributed to the chaplet of the Divine Mercy, that He taught her:
"Today the heat is so intense that it is difficult to stand it.
We are all thirsty for rain, and it still does not come.
The sky has been overcast for many days, but still no rain. When I watch the plants, thirsty of water, I felt much compassion and I decided to pray the chaplet, until the Lord would send rain to us.
Before supper, the sky was covered with clouds, and a strong rainfall came. I had incessantly been saying this chaplet for three hours. And the Lord let me know that through this prayer everything can be obtained".
It is prayed with a common rosary.
Every day recite an Our Father, Hail Mary and Creed, and then five decades with the beads of the Holy Rosary:
Pray 5 decades. Each decade starts as follows instead of Our Father we say:
"Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement of our sins and those of the entire world."
Instead of Hail Mary we say: “For his sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us and on the whole world”
At the end of the five decades, we say three times:
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One,
Have mercy on us and on the whole world.
It is good to finish with a Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy...or any other prayer made with the heart.
Video of the Rosary or Chaplet of The Divine Mercy