June 03, 2010

The Hour of Great Mercy. At three o'clock in the afternoon.

Jesus ask us a very simple Act of Love.--->
<---Sister Lucia´s vision at Tuy Spain. Seer of Fatima.

Through a vision Sister Faustina saw that God blessed the earth through their Son and wrote:

I saw a great light with the Father God in the center.
Between this light and the earth I saw Jesus nailed to the Cross, so God wanted looking to the earth, had to do it through the Wounds of Our Lord.

Devotion most pleasing to our Lord it´s the veneration of his passion and death, in that instant that he had his redeeming death on the Cross.
For the passion and death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we had access to the Kingdom of God.
What a love should flood our hearts and how fast we should go to the call of our Lord!
In His revelations to St. Faustina, Our Lord asked for a special prayer and meditation on His Passion each afternoon at the three o’clock hour,
the hour that recalls His death on the cross

Jesus said to Sister Faustina:

"At three o’clock, implore My mercy, especially for sinners;
and, if only for a brief moment, immerse yourself in My Passion, particularly
in My abandonment at the moment of agony.
I will allow you to enter into My mortal sorrow.
This is the hour of great mercy for the whole world.
In this hour, I will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of Me in virtue of My Passion."(IV,59).

As often as you hear the clock strike the third hour, immerse yourself completely in My mercy, adoring and glorifying it;
invoke its omnipotence for the whole world, and particularly for poor sinners;
for at that moment mercy was opened wide for every soul.
In this hour you can obtain everything for yourself and for others for the asking;
it was the hour of grace for the whole world — mercy triumphed over justice.

My daughter, try your best to make the Stations of the Cross in this hour,
provided that your duties permit it;
and if you are not able to make the Stations of the Cross, then at least step into the chapel for a moment and adore, in the Most Blessed Sacrament,
My Heart, which is full of mercy; and should you be unable to step into the chapel, immerse yourself in prayer there where you happen to be, if only for a very brief instant.

We may not all be able to make the Stations or adore Him in the Blessed Sacrament, but we can all mentally pause for a “brief instant,”
think of His total abandonment at the hour of agony, and say a short prayer such as
“Jesus, have Mercy on us,” or “Jesus, for your Sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world

It taken from the EWTN:
Each day at the Shrine of The Divine Mercy on Eden Hill,
in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, you can hear the bells at three
o'clock, calling people to prayer
-a brief moment of prayer while
working or, for those who can,
a pause from work to participate in
the special three o'clock prayers at the Shrine.

As the sound of the bells fades away, the leader begins with the
sign of the cross, and together we pray:

Prayer to pray at three o´clock in the afternoon

You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls,
and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world.
O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy,
envelope the whole world and
empty Yourself out upon us .(IV, 59).

And then, three times,

"O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus, as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You "(I,35)

The Via Crucis of Divine Mercy.

Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood,' Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world:

I. For his death sentence;
Have mercy on us and the whole world.

II. For the cross that was loaded on their backs;
Have mercy on us and the whole world.

III. For his first fall;
Have mercy on us and the whole world.

IV. By the tears of his mother who came to meet him;
Have mercy on us and the whole world.

V. For the huge fatigue that the Cyrene had to help carry the cross.;
Have mercy on us and the whole world.

VI. For the compassion of the woman who wiped his face bloodied;
Have mercy on us and the whole world.

VII. For his second fall;
Have mercy on us and the whole world.

VIII. For the words that He spoke to the women who pitied;
Have mercy on us and the whole world.

IX. For his third fall;
Have mercy on us and the whole world.

X. For the fire of pain that had his body when he was stripped of his garments;
Have mercy on us and the whole world.

XI. For the painful crucifixion that nailed His hands and feet;
Have mercy on us and the whole world.

XII. By Water and Blood which sprout from his heart as "Source of all good for us" (St. Peter Canisius)
Have mercy on us and the whole world.

XIII. For the image of all the pain that his mother suffered when he died in his arms;
Have mercy on us and the whole world.

XIV. For the three hours of slow agony that Jesus suffered on the Cross before the indifference of those around him;
Have mercy on us and the whole world.

XV. For all the pains he suffered in his body because of our sins;
Have mercy on us and the whole world. Amen, Amen, Amen.

At three o´clock begs My Mercy especially for sinners, and even for the briefest moment,concentrate in My Passion, particularly in My abandonment at the time of my agony. This is the time of the Great Mercy to the world.
Nothing will be denied to the soul that makes a request of me through the merits of my passion.

June 02, 2010

Sister Lucia's vision in Tuy Spain. Seer of Fatima.

The hour of Great Mercy. At three o´clock in the afternoon.--->
<---Divine Mercy Jesus. Sister Faustina´s vision of the Chaplet.

June 13, 1929, appearance in Tuy, Spain.

I am Lucia Do Santos, and had obtained permission from my superiors and my confessor, to make the Holy Hour which is from 11pm to 12am, from Thursday to Friday.
I was alone in the night, I knelt in the middle of the chapel and I was prostrated to pray the prayers of the Angel.

I was feeling tired, I joined and I continued praying with outstretched arms. The only light was from the lamp.
Suddenly the whole chapel was illuminated with supernatural light and above the altar appeared a cross which reached the ceiling.
In a clear light it was seen at the top of the cross, the face of a man with the body to the waist.

Above the breast of the man came out a dove and also also light, and nailed on the cross the body of another man.
A little below the waist, suspended in the air it was seen a large chalice and a Host in which fell some drops of blood that ran along the face of the Crucified and of a chest wound.

Draining through the Host, the drops fell into the Chalice.
Under the right arm of the cross was Our Lady:
("It was the image of Our Lady of Fatima with Her Immaculate Heart... in her left hand, without sword or roses, but with a crown of thorns and flames..").

Under the left arm, a large letters, as if they were crystalline water, rushing toward the altar, formed these words:
"Grace and Mercy".

I realized I was shown the mystery of the Holy Trinity and I received lights on the mystery that is not allowed to reveal.
Then Our Lady told me:

-"The time has come when God asks the Holy Father to make, in union with the Bishops of the world, the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, promising salvation through this medium.

Are so many souls that the justice of God condemns for sins committed against My Immaculate Heart, I come to seek redress;
sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray. "

I told everything to my confessor and told me to write what Our Lady wanted that I do.

Later through intimate communication, Our Lady said, complaining:

-"They have not wanted to address my request
...Like the king of France they will repent, but it will be late.
Russia there will be spread their errors throughout the world, provoking wars, persecutions to the Church:
the Holy Father will suffer much."

Fatima´s message can be summed up in these early clear words of Christ:
"The kingdom of God is close Repent and believe the Gospel" (Mk 1:15).

Heart of the Mother of God is the Heart of the Mother who cares not only men, but also of all peoples and nations.

Remember Jesus' warning:


-"They have not wanted to address my request ... Like the king of France they will repent, but it will be late.
Russia there will be spread their errors throughout the world, provoking wars, persecutions to the Church: the Holy Father will suffer much. "